FREE Download: The Loyal Customer Generator 
At ClinicSense, we're in a unique position where we've been able to talk to thousands of massage therapists about how they get more repeat clients. From those discussions, we've compiled the best strategies for repeat clients into this Loyal Customer Generator handbook so you can use proven techniques to grow your business!

Loyal Customer Generator

ClinicSense helps massage therapists spend less time on paperwork so they can spend more time with their clients. With ClinicSense, you can save yourself time from tedious administrative tasks, feel the relief of being more organized, and put more money into your pocket!

Feature highlights include: Online SOAP notes, intake forms, online scheduling, text message appointment reminders, invoicing & payments, gift certificate sales, email marketing and more.

MASSAGE Magazine has been exploring touch therapies for more than 35 years, developing a unique insight for the specific challenges and concerns that massage therapists face on a daily basis. With such intimate industry knowledge and experience serving the massage community, we were able to develop a liability insurance program tailored specifically to the professional touch therapist.

We’ve spent years perfecting our insurance and cultivating new member benefits to bring you the best bang-for-your-buck insurance on the market. Since 2008, over 100,000 licensed massage therapists chose us to protect their careers and have left us over 1,000 positive reviews for a 4.6 star rating on Trustpilot.

© ClinicSense